MadSkullz has gone in to incorporate Chainlink CCIP, which is the benchmark for safe cross-chain interoperability throughout Avalanche, as well as Ethereum and Polygon mainnets. MadSkullz is utilizing the unpredictable messaging service of CCIP for creating conventional cross-chain NFTs with regards to the Missing Onez collection, which provides uninterrupted connectivity with MadSkullz NFTs amongst every chain and beginning a cross-chain traditional NFT exposure for their aggregators.

MadSkullz honed in on CCIP for interoperability services due to Chainlink’s reputation of having heightened safety factors and dependability in the Web3 space. Additionally, CCIP is supported by the Risk Management Network that tracks and authenticates cross-chain activities, identifying risky functionings. The added safety features help prevent the loss of funds for users.

MadSkullz is a new-age NFT community shifting aggregator within SkullzCity. This is a substitute hub where peace reigns. Then came the humans who assaulted the Skullz, and this is being followed by further assaults daily. Aggregators have the option of teaming up with the MadSkullz community to receive exclusive advantages, as well as protect themselves from the humans, take part in upcoming mini-games custom-made for the community, and contribute towards the future of SkullzCity.

While the idea of MadSkullz and SkullzCity progresses, so must progress where the project is concerned. Cross-chain NFTs made available through CCIP were the correct option for utilizing a safe way for users to connect with The Missing Onez collection throughout every chain. This helps to increase fresh aggregators who can take part in the MadSkullz community.

The Missing Onez collection will be introduced on the 31st of October, 2023, conventionally for the users of Ethereum and Polygon. Following one day, and there still being some collectibles, Avalanche users will have the option of minting an NFT cross-chain using CCIP.

To ensure the safety of the cross-chain NFTs, MadSkullz required the availability of a safe and dependable interoperability service. Following careful consideration, they incorporated Chainlink CCIP due to its various features, like its heightened safety and dependability qualities. There is the option of uninterrupted incorporation. CCIP comes with an upgradable framework, and it is future-proof.

Chainlink is the benchmark for the Web3 solutions platform and has been responsible for carrying out large volumes of transactions throughout DeFi, along with insurance, gaming, NFTs, and various other verticals.

MadSkullz, on the other hand, is a Web3 community that has been created over blockchain technologies. Due to its all-inclusive verse, SkullzCity, the community can collect and scour various experiments, along with GameFi, DeFi, and LearnFi.

Read the full article here


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