Momentum indicators are turning neutral; New Zealand Dollar (NZD) is expected to trade in a 0.5675/0.5730 range vs US Dollar (USD). In the longer run, there has been no further increase in upward momentum; a break of 0.5660 would mean that the recovery is not reaching 0.5775, UOB Group’s FX analysts Quek Ser Leang and Peter Chia note. 

Momentum indicators are turning neutral

24-HOUR VIEW: “While we expected NZD to ‘edge lower’ yesterday, we pointed out, ‘it is unlikely to break the strong support level at 0.5660.’ We highlighted that ‘resistance levels are at 0.5715 and 0.5730.’ However, NZD dipped less than expected, as it rebounded from 0.5679 to 0.5725. Momentum indicators are turning neutral, and we expect NZD to trade in a 0.5675/0.5735 range today.” 

1-3 WEEKS VIEW: “We continue to hold the same view as yesterday (11 Mar, spot at 0.5695). As highlighted, the recent price action did not result ‘in any increase in momentum,’ and a break of 0.5660 (‘strong support’ level) would mean that the recovery is not reaching 0.5775.”

Read the full article here


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